To be the hands and voice of Jesus for our community.
God calls us to live out the life of Jesus in our present-day context. Through the Holy Spirit, the Church is the Body of Christ in this world. Jesus said the Kingdom of God was among us. He initiated that Kingdom with his life, death and resurrection. That Kingdom is still spreading today. We are invited to live into that Kingdom, through his Holy Spirit. We do that by expressing the life of Jesus, right here, right now. That’s why we are called to be his hands and voice. We intentionally use those two words, hands and voice, in that specific order.
1. The hands of Jesus means we engage in the work of Jesus. He was focused on serving those in need; the poor, the vulnerable, the hurting, the marginalized, etc. (Luke 4:14-21) Jesus said when we show mercy to “the least of these” we are serving him. (Matthew 25:40) Because of that, we believe the place to see Jesus is on the streets, among the people.
2. The voice of Jesus means we proclaim His good news of forgiveness and relationship with God. Jesus came to reconcile humanity back to God. Through his death and resurrection he defeated sin and death and opened to us the way to abundant life, eternal life.
We believe we must first be the hands of Jesus before we can effectively be the voice of Jesus. A person dying of thirst is not going to be interested in what we have to say until we give them something to drink. Our mission statement is patterned after Amos 5:24, “Let justice roll down like a mighty river, and righteousness like a never ending stream.” Justice refers to the acts of God in community to make life livable. Righteousness refers to the holiness of God. We are working for social justice (being the hands of Jesus) in our community, so that a bridge may be opened to proclaim the righteousness of God (being the voice of Jesus). We believe this was the pattern of Jesus shown in the gospels. The first two-thirds of every gospel reveals the life of Jesus; what he did and said to oppose systemic injustice, evil and disease in the world. The last third of each gospel tells the story of his death and resurrection; the message of forgiveness of sins through the sacrifice of Jesus. We do not believe the first part of the gospel is only a long introduction to set up the final drama, but that section of it is an integral part of the whole. Therefore, we are committed to doing the works of Jesus, as well as sharing the good news of Jesus.
To learn more about who we are and what we believe click HERE.